Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma

Today would have been my Grandma's birthday.  She was born on April 30, 1920, in Howell County, Missouri.  She wanted to be cremated and have her ashes scattered there, but that didn't happen.
She was the oldest of three.  Her family moved around alot when she was a child but eventually they settled into Kansas. Her dad worked in the oil fields.
The picture is from 1998 and is my mom, Grandma and me.  My dad was running for sheriff (he won) and a new prison was being built in Burlington with an open house one night (before the prisoners were put in) and you could have your picture taken behind bars for a charity donation.

Monday, April 16, 2012


We normally don't have school on Mondays. We didn't today. Stayed home all day. Andy and Alex spent the day playing together, without fighting. When it was time for lunch, I called them over to get their mac and cheese (their choice) and Andy said "Let's pull into this diner for some lunch"
We had leftover apple pie as well.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from Green Gates Farm. This will probably be the last year the Easter Bunny visits here. Andy is 10 and Alex almost 9. But mostly because if the Bunny hides them outside, Mischka and Maks help themselves. And the Bunny does not like to be running around outside at 11 p.m. trying to hide 40 eggs.

See...I do have chickens

We had Easter parties at school on Friday. I ended up filling in for the Kindergarten/first grade class. Several of the parents couldn't make it. I had missed out on Alex's first grade Easter party since he skipped that grade. Karma.

Peter made strawberry blintz's for breakfast this morning. I had offered to make raisin french toast but the boys chose the blintz breakfast. While watching "Dirty Jobs".

Does anyone know what type of bird this is? It has white on it's upper wings when they are open. Can you see the bird well enough, that's as close as I could get.

Monday, April 2, 2012


When we first moved to the farm, we had a cat named Esmerelda. I had found her in the parking lot of the car dealership I was working at. I later took a picture of her curled up with Peter. Sadly, the coyotes or something got Esmerelda.
So now there is Smokey. He is supposed to be Alex's cat but has attached himself to Peter. Smokey's not the brightest cat. Maks, the giant puppy, carries Smokey around like a toy. Maks tried it with Tigger once. Just once.
And can we turn off the wind, they are reporting that the wind is blowing 60 miles an hour here, and they are probably right.