Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can you believe It?

For the second time this summer it happened again. Our second Jeep Cherokee bit the dust. Peter was driving to work when the engine fell out. Actually one side fell.
He calls me to come rescue him (bringing the boys) and we go to town to find new bolts. From one side of the Springs to another looking for three bolts. Finally find the bolts, drive back out to the Jeep and discover that the bolts didn't fall off, they sheared off. Which means, apparently, some major work.
Came home and Peter took MY truck to work. I really hate not having a vehicle out here.
After supper tonight we went to a small dealership out here in the country and bought a 1993 Ford Escort Station Wagon. Peter can drive this to work. I have my truck. Kind of a reversal of traditional car roles. It's a really nice car. But I have my truck.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Calendar is filling Up

Our calendar is filling up, fast. This week started with Monday auction. Scored (9) 8 foot 2x4s for $5. These will be used to enclose the dining room. Going to use the folding doors that didn't fit the boys closet.
Tuesday will be laundry day.
Wednesday we head to town for hay and splash pad.
Thursday is meat package day and some general shopping.
Friday is pantry day as is Saturday.

Next week Eliza and Jack have hair appointments and it's county fair time. This year we are going to the Kit Carson County Fair in Burlington. We lived there for years and it's nice to go back and see some of the people and my parents live close to there. Plus it's the home of the Carousel which you should check out. It's over a hundred years old.
Before we had the satellite Internet, picture downloads would take about an hour. The two pictures took about 4 MINUTES. This is just totally awesome.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

We've entered the 21st Century

Our local phone company tells us that because some box is too far away, we can't get high speed internet. Such is country living. What to do...what to do?
Here's an idea...satellite internet.
For the last few days, since Tuesday, we've been adjusting to having faster downloads, ability to play games on Facebook (I missed Happy Pets), watching utube, and having people (hi mom) being able to call while we are (gasp) on line.
Really if the phone company wanted our business, maybe they could have, oh I don't know, MOVED THE BOX CLOSER.
Am I bitter, You betcha. The ironic thing? The satellite costs the same as the phone companies high speed.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Big 8

Alex turned eight this weekend. On Saturday my parents, Peter's mom and sister came out for a small party. Peter fixed hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. My mom brought a grape salad and MIL brought a veggie platter. We also had chips. Forgot the cake and ice cream.

Several years ago a friend made Andy a dinosaur blanket. When my mom asked what Alex would like for his birthday I asked her about making Alex a bug blanket. She couldn't find bug material so she sewed butterfly and dragonfly patches on a safari blanket she made. That's the blanket Alex is draped in one of the pictures. He's been sleeping with it since.
We did have the cake and ice cream on Sunday night which worked out since it was his birthday.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Colorado Gator Farm

Happy Fourth of July from Green Gates Farm.

Since there is a fire ban here locally, we won't be doing any fireworks. Also not driving into town for the display there, traffic issues you know.
Here are some more pictures from our vacation when we stopped by the Colorado Gator Farm in Mosca. We had a coupon for a free bucket of "gator chow" it looks like dog food. We ended up dumping about half into the larger pen of gators just to finish it off.