Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can you believe It?

For the second time this summer it happened again. Our second Jeep Cherokee bit the dust. Peter was driving to work when the engine fell out. Actually one side fell.
He calls me to come rescue him (bringing the boys) and we go to town to find new bolts. From one side of the Springs to another looking for three bolts. Finally find the bolts, drive back out to the Jeep and discover that the bolts didn't fall off, they sheared off. Which means, apparently, some major work.
Came home and Peter took MY truck to work. I really hate not having a vehicle out here.
After supper tonight we went to a small dealership out here in the country and bought a 1993 Ford Escort Station Wagon. Peter can drive this to work. I have my truck. Kind of a reversal of traditional car roles. It's a really nice car. But I have my truck.

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