Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pecan Cranberry Jello

The holiday season is right around the corner so time to start posting recipes. This one is from my sister-in-law, Debi, who lives in Idaho.

Pecan Cranberry Jello

1 Pkg. 3 oz Cherry Jello
1 Pkg. 3 oz Orange Jello
1 Cup Boiling Water

Stir together until jello dissolves.


1 Can Whole or Jellied Cranberries
1 Can (15oz) Crushed Pineapple DRAINED
1 Cup Orange Juice
1/2 to 1 Cup Chopped Pecans

Refrigerate until jello is set.

If can't find Cherry Jello, use Raspberry instead.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Date

Peter and I went out on a date today. The boys were with Magie. We went to a consignment auction. It was HUGE. There was farm equipment, furniture, cars, jewelry, guns, just about anything you could want.
Some of the things I was interested in went for more that I wanted to pay. We did come home with a new post hole digger with metal handles (our old one kept giving us splinters- gloves are hot to wear in the summer), two camping cots (I hate sleeping on the ground) a pair of car ramps, a small loom, a metal stick thing to break up hard dirt (Peter wanted it) and an almost new Lazyboy sleeper sofa.
It was nice to sit there and eat lunch and see the snow on Pike's Peak.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Catch As Catch Can

It's been a busy month or so. School started. Andy's in 4th grade, his best friend since Kindergarten has moved away. Alex is in 3rd grade and doing well. I'm volunteering at the school again this year.
We've had houseguests, two different sets, since July 17. For awhile there was some overlapping. The second set, still here, are some longtime friends who moved their trailer home onto some land not far from us. Getting the water well, electrical, septic, INSPECTIONS takes some time but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I sold all the chickens, every last one. I don't have any egg customers anymore and since we live on a private road it doesn't make sense to put up a sign. I kept the geese and the muscovy ducks, in fact, Lucky Duck hatched 7 babies today. Jenny Duck is sitting on 10 eggs. Mr. Duck is quite pleased with himself.
We have the goats and horses. Someone is buying the two llama sisters, a friend is taking Ariel and we will keep Jafar. Maybe.
Our old beagle, Danny, died a couple of weeks ago. He had cancer for awhile and it got to the point where he was better off. One lung had quit functioning.
I won't be on the school board much longer. Not enough valid signatures. Some people either lie about being registered voters or they think they are and they arent. Registered voters that is.
My camera is at Magie's house so no pictures. The boys are watching a Looney Tunes DVD I picked up today. Do you realize these were out when my father was a kid and I watched them. Why can't they make shows this good anymore?
When I get my camera back I'll have to introduce Chester.
Tomorrow is one of our school's two home football games. Since we don't have a regulation football field we have to have our "home" games elsewhere. Tomorrow I'm helping at the concession stand. Peter will be home with the boys. Not to worry, I bought lunchables for them.
Sunday is Back to Church Sunday. We might go to church, or maybe fishing. After the rain we had the other day, fishing might be the thing especially since it will be about 80 degrees on Sunday.