Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's a dog's world

When we first moved here we had Corey, the cocker spaniel, and Katie the Keeshond. We soon added Bear the Great Pyrenees/malamute. They are all gone now. Our current dogs are Mischka, Jack and DJ.

Jack is a Shih Tzu we adopted from a shelter. He's about 8 years old and likes nothing better than to lay in the recliner and sleep. And if it's on Peter's lap, so much the better. Jack also travels well, he went with us camping last summer. That's the back side of Ming the Siamese.

Mischka is a austrialian shepherd, pekenese, and german shepherd mix. She looks exactly like her dad, Nick, and her grandpa Tick Tock.

We just got DJ from Magie's family. Magie and her youngest daughter are allergic to DJ. They were allergic to Connie, his mom. DJ's dad, a chichuahua, belongs to another friend of ours. DJ is short for and reversed for Junior Dog. DJ and Mischka have the same mom, which makes them half-siblings. Despite the four year age difference, not to mention size, Mischka and DJ get along pretty well.

After Danny and Eliza died, Mischka didn't have anyone to play with, Jack being the lazy bones he is. DJ loves to run with his sister.

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