Monday, December 12, 2011

Early morning fright

This morning I let the dogs outside and checked to see if I need to defrost the windshiled on the truck.
Right away Mischka and DJ start barking and running after a coyote right by the fence. They chased him over onto the BLM land. The very scraggly coyote was about the size of M and could have made a snack out of DJ. Jack stayed on the front porch and barked.
Maks was in the house, having been outside earlier.
For a change, the truck didn't need defrosting which was good because after chasing down DJ, we would have been late for the bus if the truck did need defrosting.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Those things are getting so bold this winter. I had one sniffing around the Goose and Goat House when I got back from the bus. They act like they are starving but the rabbits and prairie dog aren't even hibernating yet. I think they don't know what to do with the winter/spring/winter/ spring weather...
