Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's January but these are Christmas pics

Andy was an elf in the school Christmas play.

Alex was a dog in the same play

Santa visited the school with gifts for all the kids after the play.

It's a family tradition. Many, many years ago when my dad (denim shirt) and his brother (white shirt) were little boys back in Moundridge, Kansas, the whole family would attend Christmas Eve services at the church. Each family would, at the end of the service, be given a bag of fruit, nuts and PEANUTS. The children would have to wait until the older men would eat All Of The PEANUTS before they were allowed to open any of their presents. Sadly, this tradition continues. Having been the victim of this insideous plot for more years than I care to think about, when it is just the four of us at home, Andy and Alex don't have to wait for peanut eating.

But after the peanuts are consumed, the boys get to hand out the gifts and open theirs. Usually we start with the youngest, which is fortunate for Alex because he's not the most patient creature in the world. That's my mom in the red and aunt in the blue.

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