Wednesday, May 30, 2012

School Awards

School finished last week for the summer.  On Thursday afternoon was the elementary school awards.  Alex received an award for excellence in math, good attendance and citizenship award.  The citizenship award comes with a $2 bill.  He and Andy would have had better attendance awards if we hadn't gotten snowed in.
Andy received an award for excellence in art and attendance.
I received a certificate and gift bag for volunteering
When Magie was at the school today, she learned that there was a change in classrooms for next year due to the large number of siblings and cousins who would have been in the 4th/5th grade combo.  So next year we will have K/1, 2/3, 4th grade (Alex) taught by Mr. Frank who Andy had for 4/5 this year and Ms. Hotop will teach 5th grade (Andy)  Andy's pretty happy about it as Ms. Hotop is really into the sciences.
Alex receiving his math award from Ms. Hotop

Andy receiving his art award

Monday, May 28, 2012


In honor of our veterans, which includes my dad, we are flying the colors today.  In the wind. My Grandma always wanted the boys to salute the flag whenever we had it out.  We don't always fly the flag on the appropriate days due to the wind. After lunch we are going fishing. 

Alex putting the flag up

Andy and Alex saying the Pledge of Allegience

Monday, May 21, 2012


We have a little pond where we like to go fishing.  It has trees, a bathroom, picnic tables, all the things necessary for an enjoyable day of fishing. It is stocked with blue gills and lake trout.  Alex likes to find snails and tries very hard to bring them home.
Sadly, the fishing pond is right next to the water treatment plant.  We don't often get the smell from the plant but we don't eat any fish we catch there either.  It's entirely catch and release.  Alex is actually turning into quite the fisherman. He generally catches more than Peter.
The last time we were there, the turtles were out in force.  I caught this small turtle catching a ride across the pond.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Morning visitor

Snake in the chicken house
This morning I went out to feed the chickens and rapidly left the chicken house.  We had a visitor.  Not a coyote this time but a snake.  Just not any snake but a really big snake.  I hate snakes.  Tigger and Smokey, the barn cats,were in there as well.  Tigger, being older and wiser, was keeping his distance but Smokey being young and well, stupid, kept getting closer to the snake.  Peter came out and I had him get the snake out.  And kill it.  It was only a bull snake but I can't have any snakes in the chicken house because they will eat the eggs and might go after the pullets when I put them out there in about two weeks. 

Andy and Ringo with the five foot snake

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ice skating

Our little friend, Jenny, recently turned 7.  I remember when she was so much younger.  Anyway, she had a ice skating park at the rink in the Springs.  It was Andy and Alex's first time on ice skates.  Kids can have a big pile of buckets for stability.  Andy liked the skating, Alex not so much.  That's probably related to the amount of falling down Alex did.