Saturday, May 19, 2012

Morning visitor

Snake in the chicken house
This morning I went out to feed the chickens and rapidly left the chicken house.  We had a visitor.  Not a coyote this time but a snake.  Just not any snake but a really big snake.  I hate snakes.  Tigger and Smokey, the barn cats,were in there as well.  Tigger, being older and wiser, was keeping his distance but Smokey being young and well, stupid, kept getting closer to the snake.  Peter came out and I had him get the snake out.  And kill it.  It was only a bull snake but I can't have any snakes in the chicken house because they will eat the eggs and might go after the pullets when I put them out there in about two weeks. 

Andy and Ringo with the five foot snake

1 comment:

  1. Did you cook it? there's enough meat on it to make some good chili. But Jenny wants you to know she is freaked out too.
