Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Coyotes to Wolves

This evening I was sitting outside by the blue barn, watching the storm clouds go overhead, dropping a few pitiful drops of rain.  We just moved the 16 buff orpington teenage chicks in with the bigger chickens tonight.
Alex came outside and wanted me to come inside so he would feel safe.  He thought there were coyotes up by the truck.  I had heard some howling earlier off to the south.  I told Alex that the coyotes wouldn't come up because the horses would chase them off.  So Alex then asked about wolves.  He's convinced that wolves could hurt the horses. And then what he do?  I told him he could climb the gate and get on top of the blue barn if a wolf came around.
This morning, prior to moving, I was feeding the buffs and turned the bag of feed around to open it.  There was an inch or so long centipede on the bag.  I flicked it off and one of the pullets grabbed it and then lost it to another pullet.  We can get some huge centipedes out here.

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