Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Babies have finally ARRIVED

Yesterday, Sage my beautiful black Nubian doe, gave birth to triplets. Sadly, the first one was a breach and he didn't make it. But Simon (male) and Sasha (female) are doing quite well. Sage isn't doing so well tho. She is 10 years old, at least, and has hurt her back. She hasn't walked for two weeks, being on bedrest. But with triplets she has earned it. This is the last year we will be breeding goats. I originally started with goats because my youngest son, Alex, was lactose intolerant. He's since out grown the allergy and I don't milk anymore. But we keep the goats around for weed control. Simon and Sasha are at my best friend Magie's house. She has quite the touch for animals and children. I only hope that I can get them back. I also have Jet and Luna, Sage's two year old daughters. Luna is pregnant. We don't think that Jet is. Also in the herd is Lily. She's a boer. Also pregnant by the same buck as Sage and Luna so we will have quite the extended family out in the barn. The buck, Caleb, has since been sold. He was getting to aggressive. So that's the story on the goats.

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