Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kids Everywhere

First there was Sasha and Simon. Sasha is home now, Simon is still at Magie's, keeping Marshmellow company until Philly has her baby. Then there was Jester and Joker, both doing well. And then Jet had baby Jem.
So when I brought home Sasha, her buddies Baby and Heartly came along. So we have six baby goats out there, three need to be bottle fed. And we are still waiting for Luna to have her babies. So we will be up to 8 or nine babies this year, depending on what Luna has. And yes we'll keep them all. So a total of 12 or 13 goats. Still less than our neighbor up the road and way less than Magie's herd. So four older does, four wethers and 3 younger does plus Luna babies. And a year ago, I was down to 2 goats.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A tiny Surprise

Yesterday after picking up the boys at the bus stop, I went out to do the evening chores. I was carrying some hay out to Sage who has actually stood up. There was this black and white thing laying on the ground that I at first thought was either Socks or Cosmo, the cats. But no, it was Jet's baby girl. We (and that means Magie) didn't think Jet was pregnant. Last year Jet had a baby boy that she ran from, didn't take care of at all. Jem was cleaned and Jet is letting her nurse. Jet, Jem and Grandma Sage are all in the nursery. If Luna has her baby I'll have to move Sage out. Jem is tiny tho, she had a little trouble finding the milk but she soon learned where to go. Jem is Sage's first granddaughter. Jet and Luna both had boys last year, their firsts. Sage's other kids didn't live long enough or we don't know what happened after they sold.
Lily's two boys, Jester and Joker, are doing well. They were running around out in the goat yard yesterday. Tomorrow they are going to school for show and tell for both Andy and Alex. I'm also going to Simla to pick up trees from Soil Conservation tomorrow. And working at the church pantry.
I did pick up a variety of chicks yesterday, 15 of the little peepers. I need to order some Russian Orloffs in late April and then turkeys, Royal Palms to keep and Bronzes to cook, in May.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


My mom gave me a recipe for meatloaf. I made a few changes to fit my pantry.

1 1/2 lb hamburger
1 small can 8 oz tomato sauce
dash of salt
dash of pepper
1 cup of oats uncooked

mix everything except the meat. Add in the meat. Place into loaf pan. Cook 350* for 50 minutes, let sit for 5 minutes before cutting.

We had this for Easter dinner with scalloped potatoes and green beans with leftover Easter cake.

More Babies

So it is Easter Sunday and Lily, our token Boer, had two baby boys this morning. One is the common Boer coloring and the other has the white body but with golden head and legs.
I moved Sage out of the kid room and put Lily in with her boys.
We have discussed putting Sage down since she still doesn't get up but over the years we have had blind horses, blind goose, crippled ducks and another goat who couldn't walk either. So it wouldn't be right to put Sage down just because she can't walk and she could get better eventually. Just have to make a few adjustments but she's worth it.