Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kids Everywhere

First there was Sasha and Simon. Sasha is home now, Simon is still at Magie's, keeping Marshmellow company until Philly has her baby. Then there was Jester and Joker, both doing well. And then Jet had baby Jem.
So when I brought home Sasha, her buddies Baby and Heartly came along. So we have six baby goats out there, three need to be bottle fed. And we are still waiting for Luna to have her babies. So we will be up to 8 or nine babies this year, depending on what Luna has. And yes we'll keep them all. So a total of 12 or 13 goats. Still less than our neighbor up the road and way less than Magie's herd. So four older does, four wethers and 3 younger does plus Luna babies. And a year ago, I was down to 2 goats.

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