Thursday, November 4, 2010

Facebook, emails and prayer

I've been having trouble getting on Facebook. Finally got on tonight but couldn't get Happy Pets to download. Figures.
We have really slow internet, course we live in the middle of nowhere, so it figures. I get really disgusted with the slowness, especially seems to affect my email. My mom, who should get her own blog going, has been sending me emails about my uncle. If you don't mind, please say a prayer for my Uncle Tedd. The doctors discovered a brain tumor and it's not operable. They were going to do chemo on it, but discovered blood clots in his lung. So it is a waiting game for the blood clots to clear before starting chemo.
While you at it, say a prayer for my dad that his blood clot has gone away when he goes to the doctor next week.
On a positive note, my Alex was named student of the week in our local newspaper. I'll be buying a number of copies to send out, scrapbook and such.

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