Monday, March 28, 2011

Jumprope for Heart

The week before last, our school had the Jumprope for Heart. My Alex, pictured above in the blue shirt, won first place in the 2nd grade for jumproping backwards. Andy didn't do as well, he's not yet found his athleticism. Alex has been running since he was born, it seems like. I don't think he starting walking, he started running. Both boys did very well on their report cards.
And then came Spring Break. We didn't do much, it was so windy and every day there have been reports of fires. The boys go back to school tomorrow. Happy dance.
Went to the auction today. Sold five chickens, bought two muscovy ducks and 10 baby ducks, variety specials. Alex has his picked out. Did I mention that school resumes tomorrow? And my camera is working...

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