Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not a Good Day

Sometime during the night, Eliza, the little white dog, started hemorrhaging. This morning we had to put her down.
So I took her picture off of the blog. I also removed the horses while I was at it. We seem to have "inherited" a horse. For the last week, the neighbor down the road's horse (I know bad grammar) has been hanging out with Sophie. The neighbor hasn't come to get Muffin. We've called several times. Sophie likes hanging out with Muffin. Sophie's mom, Gypsy, isn't entirely thrilled but is adjusting. Gypsy is doing much better about it with Muffin having jumped into the pasture (she jumps out of the neighbor's pasture) instead of hanging out by the fence.
Changed the name of the blog. Going to let this one sit for awhile, see if I like it or not.

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