Monday, December 27, 2010

Recapping Christmas

It was a fairly quiet Christmas. We attended the candlelight service at the church. We had been discussing changing churches (most of the boys' friends go to the other church, the other church has AWANAS and I'm not comfortable with the organization of the youth group at our church.) And I really don't like contemporary or cowboy church services, too much of a traditionalist. But what do you expect, I went to a Lutheran college, Peter's been an Episcopalian his whole life and my family came from Mennonite roots. But we decided to stay at Antioch, partly because of the outpouring of support for my BFF Magie as she deals with a distressing issue.

Saturday morning, the boys were up bright and early and quite upset that all Santa brought them was some things in their stockings and a video game. I told them to look closely at the video game and then they noticed that it was a Wii game so they went running off to find the Wii console (or whatever you call it) We had opened presents when we got back from church on Friday night. We then went to the daughter's home for brunch. We were going to walk around Garden of the Gods but I thought it was too cold so we settled for driving. We did go play for awhile at America the Beautiful park.

And then we went for dinner (prime rib, Yorkshire pudding, chocolate cream pie- my faves) at the MIL. Almost the whole family was there. Niece Suzy stayed at college in Alaska. BIL Alec and his family stayed in Idaho (expecting their first grandchild soon, Ali- January 2 is a good day to have baby- I can share my birthday).

Sunday we went to my parents for Christmas. We had a nice time, lots of food etc. My dad is on meds which means he has to watch his diet so the salad I took, he couldn't have.

So for the rest of the week, we'll be staying close to home, cleaning and organizing. Still looking at moving in the not to distant future. And since it's a smaller house, I have to downsize some things. But it's okay to not have so much stuff.

I'm hoping for Red, Hot and Blue for my birthday dinner. Or Olive Garden. Or....
Any suggestions?

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