Friday, December 31, 2010

What a way to end 2010

This am Peter got up at 6 am and made coffee, went to work. Me, I went back to bed until 745 when Alex comes in wanting cereal. (He would live on cereal). We had no water. I called Peter and after picking up a few things for the weekend, he came home. Seems the pipes had frozen because the pipe heater had quit working. Peter fixed that and after several hours we had water again. I DO NOT like not having water.
A number of years ago my dad gave us a big blue water jug, thankfully it was filled so I could water the small animals. Thanks Daddy. The bigs had water in their tanks. I did have to turn on the heaters. It was very cold last night and is already 5 below tonight. We lost one chicken, not sure if from the cold or why. I did bring in Peanut the bunny so she'd have water and not break the water bottle when it froze. Mischka, the aussie shepherd, is in the laundry room. Libby and Lucy are in their igloos. The cats have elected to stay in the feed room, burrowed down in the hay.
The Addaman Group cancelled the Pikes Peak fireworks tonight. Too cold with wind chill of 50 below. We can see the fireworks on the Peak from our family room if it's not cloudy.
So tomorrow is my bff, Magie's, birthday. Mine's the next day and on Tuesday the kids go back to school so we are going out to celebrate, probably at Culver's. Love their fries.
So Happy New Year from Green Gates Farm.

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