Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

We started Father's Day weekend by going fishing. Naturally. Peter got to drive the new truck. We went to our usual fishing hole, Willow Springs Pond. It has mostly blue gill, as shown by Alex's catch. He released it, on purpose. It also has a few lake trout, not very big ones. We did see a turtle. There have also been a number of cranes on previous visits

While Alex and Peter were busy catching the fish, Andy and I took Eliza for a walk around the pond. It's not a real big pond but there are two of them. We don't eat the fish we catch because just across the way is the water treatment plant for Fountain. Sometimes the smell can be...just bad.

During the walk we observed two sets of Canadian Geese families. One family had three juveniles and the other family had one youngster. Both families had both sets of parents. I'm guessing this wasn't a good year for goslings.

So...Happy Father's day to my dad. I hope this post makes sense, I'm doing it on four hours of sleep.

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