Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And the chickens just keep coming

So on Monday I took a rooster, 8 2-month old chicks and 4 2-week old chicks to the auction. Brought home 4 chicks (hey, they are cochins) and (3) year-old cochin hens.
Tuesday the pipe under the sink started leaking.
Wednesday, that's today, this am the post office tells me that my chicks and Magie's goslings are in so I go rushing up to get them - 15 miles one way. Not my chicks and it's a good thing since most of the probably 100 chicks in the box had died. Took a load of fencing over to Magie's new place, raced to Fountain to get dog food since we were so out. and got Granny some chocolate syrup. Came back for the awards program at the school. Andy and Alex both did well in reading, math, writing. Alex won for best Kindergarten artist and Andy took the only science award in 2nd grade.
Then I called the post office in the city and my chicks had just come in on the truck so we dashed to town to get them. Had dinner at McDonalds. Ate in the car on the way home. Got the chicks settled in, gave Lori and Larry each a bottle. We are going to dry up Luna, she's not nursing with mastitis on one side and a cut on the other side.
Tomorrow, Thursday, I'm volunteering at the school. I did get a cup for during the award ceremony for volunteering. Friday a.m. Magie and I go to the co-op to pick up her other goslings and my turkeys. School gets out at 1 pm after the school barbeque.
This weekend we are putting in the veggie garden, planting Andy's flower garden, moving the nesting box.
And sometime soon, Lucky Duck should hatch her 10 eggs plus the one chicken egg she's sitting on. And we really need to wether Jester, Joker and Simon. with Larry to follow soon thereafter.

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