Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And two more equals thirteen

It finally happened. I came home from volunteering at the school today to find that Luna had two babies. Last year she had one baby, dropped him in the middle of the field and fled. This year she had Lora and Larry in the barn, cleaned and fed by the time I found them. She was laying next to them. I moved them into the kid room.
So now we have 13 goats.
1. Sage who is the mother of Luna and Jet and this years Simon and Sasha
2. Lily who is the mother of Jester and Joker
3. Jet (see Sage) who is the mother of Jem.
4. Luna (see Sage) who is the mother of Lora and Larry
5. Little orphan babies Baby and Heartlee.
That's 13 goats. I shouldn't have a weed problem this year. Going to have to save some money to buy hay this winter.
And we have the baby chickens, baby ducks waiting to be hatched in the shed under their mother, baby turkeys coming on the 26th and maybe a baby llama coming the end of summer. Just babies everywhere.

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