Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today, August 1st, is my best friend Magie's wedding anniversary. After church today, we are bringing her three girls over for the day so that she and her husband can go on a date. I have "chores" for the girls to do. But I fear that they will be more interested in playing with baby James. Check out Magie's blog and wish her a happy anniversary. (see Magpie's meadow on the blog list, I haven't figured out how to do links yet or add pictures, I think those details are beyond me)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Flies Everywhere

We live in the country. So it is natural that we have flies. But the number of flies lately has been just ridiculous. I'm spraying the horses (when they let me) and the goats and dogs. The chickens have an automatic fly spray dispenser.
Ever notice how when you have a fly problem, and you get the fly swatter, the flies all scatter.
Our church is also having a fly problem. Also in the country. There's a bug zapper hanging up in the kitchen.
While I was gone to Minnesota, one of the cats knocked over the finch cage. They had already killed Annie, my only female. Sharky died the day we came home. Freddie the Finch is doing well but he is now missing a foot. But he hops around and flies in the cage. Eating well and still taking baths in the drinking water.
I put a kiddie pool out for the ducks. There's something about a duck splashing around in the water that just makes you smile. Even when you have a fly problem. And beetles and spiders. I'm getting a bug bomb today. The bugs and insects are going away.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It was a really really long trip

Wednesday morning Magie, Eliza and I left for Minnesota. We dropped the boys off at my parents along the way. We had traded cars with Magie's brother, Sheldon, for the trip. So glad we did. Thanks Sheldon.
Going to Minnesota wasn't too bad,at least the first part of the trip. Going through Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska were fine. It was when we got to Iowa that things got a little less fine. First Mapquest was WRONG and we ended up in a scary part of Sioux City (it was dark, we were lost so it was scary) And then the rain started. And it poured. and poured and poured some more. The hiway patrol closed the road ahead of us due to flooding on the road. So instead of driving straight through we got a hotel for the rest of the night (1:30 a.m.).
We were back on the road by 6 a.m.
We finally made it to Sauk Rapids by 1 p.m. Thursday. Did I mention that my daughter has a lot of stuff. Magie tied the three suitcases on top of the vehicle, and when Magie ties something it doesn't go anywhere.
So we headed back to Colorado.
There were storms building up in Nebraska so we thought we could make better time by going through S. Dakota. We were so wrong.
Why is it that states think that summer (you know, the tourist season) is the best time to do road construction. I think that Fall would be a much better time, not as much traffic and the workers aren't out in the heat.
We figure we added about 9 hours to our trip with the detours, slower traffic, delays and all that go with road construction. Every road we turned on had some work being done. Every one.
Anyway, we made it back about 7 p.m. on Friday. Pantry was Saturday. Mom and Dad brought the boys home on Saturday. Melissa and baby James are settling in. Oh and Magie was giving James coffee from her ice cream and he liked it.
We are talking about bringing the families up to S. Dakota next summer and going to Mt. Rushmore for vacation. We shall see. I took a bunch of pictures but I can't figure out how to add them.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The current plan

My daughter Melissa, who is 20, is moving back to Colorado. With her 10 month old boy, James. Yep, I'm a grandma. The boyfriend left Minnesota on a bus to come back for a job. So next Tuesday I'm going to get new tires for the jeep, some supplies and the monthly livestock feed. Wednesday morning I'll load up the boys and Eliza and head out. Dropping the boys off at the grandparents. Peter has to stay home and work and since he really isn't a farmer (such a city boy) Magie is coming over every morning while I'm gone to feed the animals.
I've never been to Minnesota. I've been through a number of states and lived in three. Kansas, Colorado and Alabama. I've been to Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Wyoming, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arkansas (my greatgrandpa lived there), Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and the other states in a line from NJ to Kansas. I've also been to New Mexico for a job interview (I don't speak Spanish well enough) and Utah for a conference. I'm thinking (today) that I'll go through Nebraska to S. Dakota (new state) to Minnesota. It's supposed to be a 20 hour drive, I'll be taking several days. Did I mention that Melissa is pregnant again and due in September which is why she's not on the bus. She's never flown on a plane and you couldn't get me on another plane.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pieces of this and that

Lily is still here. Fishing interfered with her leaving for the auction. And there was no auction on Saturday or Monday because of the 4th. Phoebe is here for awhile so we are getting some milk from here. Either the heat is getting to her or she's pregnant but she's only producing about a quart every other day. But she's quite the sweetheart.
When we went fishing on Monday (Peter had the day off) he caught one blue gill. Alex wanted to make a pet of it. The fish didn't survive 24 hours. Alex did find a praying mantis to bring home and put in his bug collector.
We have joined Facebook, mostly to let the boys play the games. We are having difficulty in getting onto Happy Aquarium. Magie says it is because so many people are playing it. So what is a good time to get on?
I found the rest of Alex's birthday bag of presents yesterday. Magie had the boys as I also picked up a desk from my MIL for Andy. Alex has a desk of my grandmother's. So we have those two desks, my grandfather's desk, a secretary from MIL, the boys computer desk (I know it's a little overkill) and the big computer desk. That's an awful lot of desks. And the boys will probably do their homework at the kitchen table. At least until they are a little bit older.
Today we clean house, Thursday Magie's girls are coming over and Friday is pantry day. Saturday I am taking Lily to the auction (really), picking up a pizza and having my parents and maybe my brother over for Alex's birthday. Sunday is church, we are getting closer to the 100 year celebration. Then on Monday I might be taking one or two of Magie's bucks to the Calhan auction. I do not want to take them at the same time as Lily. No that would be a BAD thing.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Best laid plans

You know what they say about best laid plans. (And who is "they" anyway) For the 4th we had friends over, Magie and her troop. Another family was coming but they had more family come over. We did some poppers and some smoke bombs. And then we thought we should wait until it got darker to do the fountains and sparklers etc. So we watched "Independence Day" (Ironic) But of course being the plains of Colorado the wind picks up. And then it started to rain. And hail. And more wind. So by the time the movie was over (11 p.m.) the rain had stopped but it was still windy and the kids were tired. So we will try tonight. Stay tuned to see what happens. Since Peter has today off from work, we are going fishing.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Countdown to 100

On July 18th, Antioch Community Church will celebrate it's 100th birthday. If you are in the area, please join us. Pastor Randy starts things off with one of his excellent sermons at 10 a.m. Following church services which involves lots of singing and praying, we will have a barbeque with games for the kids and even more music. I know Magie has a couple of songs for the day and I'm guessing the Bruces and the Fields will have some as well. (If you need fireworks, go to the Collins Fireworks stand in the Kmart parking lot on Powers in Colorado Springs, tell Mark and Aleta Fields "Hi.")
If you need directions please email me and I'll send them.
You won't find Antioch the community on any map, it doesn't exist on paper.