Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pieces of this and that

Lily is still here. Fishing interfered with her leaving for the auction. And there was no auction on Saturday or Monday because of the 4th. Phoebe is here for awhile so we are getting some milk from here. Either the heat is getting to her or she's pregnant but she's only producing about a quart every other day. But she's quite the sweetheart.
When we went fishing on Monday (Peter had the day off) he caught one blue gill. Alex wanted to make a pet of it. The fish didn't survive 24 hours. Alex did find a praying mantis to bring home and put in his bug collector.
We have joined Facebook, mostly to let the boys play the games. We are having difficulty in getting onto Happy Aquarium. Magie says it is because so many people are playing it. So what is a good time to get on?
I found the rest of Alex's birthday bag of presents yesterday. Magie had the boys as I also picked up a desk from my MIL for Andy. Alex has a desk of my grandmother's. So we have those two desks, my grandfather's desk, a secretary from MIL, the boys computer desk (I know it's a little overkill) and the big computer desk. That's an awful lot of desks. And the boys will probably do their homework at the kitchen table. At least until they are a little bit older.
Today we clean house, Thursday Magie's girls are coming over and Friday is pantry day. Saturday I am taking Lily to the auction (really), picking up a pizza and having my parents and maybe my brother over for Alex's birthday. Sunday is church, we are getting closer to the 100 year celebration. Then on Monday I might be taking one or two of Magie's bucks to the Calhan auction. I do not want to take them at the same time as Lily. No that would be a BAD thing.

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