Sunday, July 25, 2010

It was a really really long trip

Wednesday morning Magie, Eliza and I left for Minnesota. We dropped the boys off at my parents along the way. We had traded cars with Magie's brother, Sheldon, for the trip. So glad we did. Thanks Sheldon.
Going to Minnesota wasn't too bad,at least the first part of the trip. Going through Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska were fine. It was when we got to Iowa that things got a little less fine. First Mapquest was WRONG and we ended up in a scary part of Sioux City (it was dark, we were lost so it was scary) And then the rain started. And it poured. and poured and poured some more. The hiway patrol closed the road ahead of us due to flooding on the road. So instead of driving straight through we got a hotel for the rest of the night (1:30 a.m.).
We were back on the road by 6 a.m.
We finally made it to Sauk Rapids by 1 p.m. Thursday. Did I mention that my daughter has a lot of stuff. Magie tied the three suitcases on top of the vehicle, and when Magie ties something it doesn't go anywhere.
So we headed back to Colorado.
There were storms building up in Nebraska so we thought we could make better time by going through S. Dakota. We were so wrong.
Why is it that states think that summer (you know, the tourist season) is the best time to do road construction. I think that Fall would be a much better time, not as much traffic and the workers aren't out in the heat.
We figure we added about 9 hours to our trip with the detours, slower traffic, delays and all that go with road construction. Every road we turned on had some work being done. Every one.
Anyway, we made it back about 7 p.m. on Friday. Pantry was Saturday. Mom and Dad brought the boys home on Saturday. Melissa and baby James are settling in. Oh and Magie was giving James coffee from her ice cream and he liked it.
We are talking about bringing the families up to S. Dakota next summer and going to Mt. Rushmore for vacation. We shall see. I took a bunch of pictures but I can't figure out how to add them.

1 comment:

  1. Whew. Glad you made it home safely.

    I hate Mapquest. It is OFTEN wrong.
    Summer construction? What is up with that? Remember the past few summers when they were working on I-25 through Co Springs (Cosmix)? Wow...THAT was mess.
