Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The current plan

My daughter Melissa, who is 20, is moving back to Colorado. With her 10 month old boy, James. Yep, I'm a grandma. The boyfriend left Minnesota on a bus to come back for a job. So next Tuesday I'm going to get new tires for the jeep, some supplies and the monthly livestock feed. Wednesday morning I'll load up the boys and Eliza and head out. Dropping the boys off at the grandparents. Peter has to stay home and work and since he really isn't a farmer (such a city boy) Magie is coming over every morning while I'm gone to feed the animals.
I've never been to Minnesota. I've been through a number of states and lived in three. Kansas, Colorado and Alabama. I've been to Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Wyoming, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arkansas (my greatgrandpa lived there), Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and the other states in a line from NJ to Kansas. I've also been to New Mexico for a job interview (I don't speak Spanish well enough) and Utah for a conference. I'm thinking (today) that I'll go through Nebraska to S. Dakota (new state) to Minnesota. It's supposed to be a 20 hour drive, I'll be taking several days. Did I mention that Melissa is pregnant again and due in September which is why she's not on the bus. She's never flown on a plane and you couldn't get me on another plane.

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