Friday, August 27, 2010

From the mouth of babes

The other night my kids (the human ones) went for a walk up our hill/driveway. Eight year old Andy was asking his sister who she voted for. Melissa hemmed and hawwed and Andy said "You voted for Obama didn't you." Melissa admitted she did. Andy asked why and Melissa said at the time is seemed the better choice. Andy was quiet for a little bit and then asked his sister, "How's that Obama thing working out for you." Andy had seen this on a bumper sticker. He's such a little Republican.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chickens and Junk

On Monday, Melissa, James and I went to the auction. I bought two splash rock hens, a dark Brahma pullet and a dark Brahma cockerel. And 14 baby chicks. And since there was a Schwinn bicycle there that would be perfect for Alex we stayed for awhile longer. BIG Mistake. At the auction people bring in stuff (also known as Junk) and set it out in a space. The auctioneer goes through pulling out the good stuff and then you can bid on the remaining items, so much money for choice of items. And then what is left over one person can buy for one money. That's my downfall. There were several times that the leftovers had one or two small items that I just had to have so I ended up with about 16 boxes of stuff. I did buy Magie some quart jars and yarn. Her girls got some jewelry boxes. Since Magie was planning to come to town and buy feed later I called and asked if she could come save me and help haul the boxes home. 16 boxes of stuff (we combined some of the boxes to get everything home), three bird cages (we took chickens and a drake to sell, not such a good day to sell) a bicycle, chickens and chicks, four adults, five children and one baby into two vehicles. And 8 bags of 50 pound feed.
Get everything home and unloaded.
And it starts to rain. And rain. I had to go outside and shoo the new chickens into the hen house. The rain was coming down so hard it hurt.
Tuesday afternoon I start volunteering at the school again. That's for Tuesday and Thursdays. Wednesday Melissa has doctor appointment. Friday is pantry day. This weekend we are working on fencing, unless it is really hot. I don't like hot. Don't like humid either. And would the flies just go away.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A New Year

School started on Tuesday. Andy, who is a third grader, seems to like it. He hasn't complained about homework yet and he's had some both nights. Alex, on the other hand doesn't like the first grade at all. He keeps wanting to be sick. Our school combines Kindergarten and 1st grade, which we did last year. There are 12 in Andy's class and 17 in Andy's class. Our largest class is the combo of 4th and 5th for 19 students.
Had our first board meeting tonight. It went well, not a lot of arguing.
I'm going to start volunteering next week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the school. Just in the afternoon. But if Melissa decides to have the baby I'm out of there.
Speaking of Melissa, she had a OB appointment today. She's dialated to 1 cm. So we are on baby watch.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Rose by any other name.....

...would still smell as sweet. When W.S. wrote those words I don't think he meant it to be used as Melissa does. Whenever James has a smelly diaper (and the word smelly is mild for some of the smells) she says he smells like a rose. She was taking him to the bedroom this afternoon for a change and told Andy and Alex that James smelled like a rose. A & A came up to smell, Andy got too close. They aren't agreeing that James smells like a rose. Andy isn't happy about the smelling.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Arrival of Jafar

Remember the villian in the Aladdin movies, Jafar? We have been waiting for four years for Ariel, our momma llama, to have a (black) boy so that we could name it Jafar. So yesterday evening, Peter comes in from grilling supper and asks when did Ariel have the baby. We all go running out there.
Jafar is black like Ariel but has thin white stripes on each of his right feet and a thin white mustache. He's seems to be much curlier than any of his sisters. He's all legs and long ears. Ariel is a very good mother and her daughters Jasmine and Belle are sticking close to their little brother. Quite the little family.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Traveling and goat news

One of the cinemas in C/S has 75 cent movies on Tuesdays so off we went. Magie and Glen took their three girls and my two boys. Melissa and I took James to lunch and then to the dollar store. Did you know that you can buy the same brand name bologna and hot dogs at the dollar store as you do at a big grocery store.
Sadly, I forgot the school supply list.
The boys saw "How to train your dragon." They said it was good.
Tomorrow I'm taking Melissa to her OB/GYN. We will be starting the once a week checkups now. What's a little weird is it's the same doctor that delivered Andy (at least the same clinic since Andy was an emergency c-section on a Sunday and Dr. Lasley wasn't on-call, so Dr. Richards delivered Andy)
I'm thinking on Thursday we may go to Manitou, take James to see his dad and my boys can play at the arcade. Friday is pantry day and Saturday we take Jester to the Fowler auction.
Lily, the evil goat, is actually gone. She left last week. Heartlee went to the farm of our school cook (as a pet not food), Joker (one of Lily's kids) was sold yesterday and Baby went back to Magie's. Simon has returned home. There just really isn't enough does around that he's not related to that we can truly justify not wethering him. So that deed is done. So now we have our herd. Jet and Luna (Sage's daughters of three years ago. Jem who is Jet's daughter this year. Larry (wether) and Lorilei who are Luna's kids of this year. We also have Sasha and Simon who are Sage's kids of this year. We finally did put Sage down. Magie found a lump on Sage's backbone where it was growing over a break. Which is why I won't have horned goats here ever again.
Melissa is making sausage, cheese and egg biscuit sandwiches tonight for supper. Peter has a HOA meeting tonight and he has to vote. Did you vote?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sun Dill Pickles

We were at brunch at my MILs today and we got to discussing stoves and the fact that you can't can properly with a glass top. The conversation came around to discussing the sun dill pickles so I thought I would share it today. By the way the melons from Rocky Ford are available and they are extra good this year.

Place 1 quart of water, 1 quart of cider vinegar and 1/2 cup of pickling salt into large saucepan. Heat slowly until boiling. Put 3 garlic cloves and 2-3 chunks of onions into a quart jar (this recipe makes 4 quarts). Add 2-3 sprigs of dillweed to each jar. Fill each jar with sliced cucumbers. Pour hot liquid over cucumbers to the top of the jar. Seal and set in the sun for 6 days. Rotate 1/4 turn each day. After 6 days store 4-6 months in cool place for best results.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Spicy Wings

Melissa and I made this recipe for supper on Saturday night. I also make this for the Super Bowl dinner.
3/4 c flour
2 T seasoned salt
1 t. pepper
dash of onion powder

I used two packages of chicken wings with this recipe. Dredge the chicken in the above mixture. put on rack and refrigerate for one hour. Mix together 1 cup of chipolte sauce and 3 T butter. Melt together. Baste chicken wings with hot sauce and bake for 1 hour at 400*
Peter is having the three leftover wings for his lunch tomorrow.