Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chickens and Junk

On Monday, Melissa, James and I went to the auction. I bought two splash rock hens, a dark Brahma pullet and a dark Brahma cockerel. And 14 baby chicks. And since there was a Schwinn bicycle there that would be perfect for Alex we stayed for awhile longer. BIG Mistake. At the auction people bring in stuff (also known as Junk) and set it out in a space. The auctioneer goes through pulling out the good stuff and then you can bid on the remaining items, so much money for choice of items. And then what is left over one person can buy for one money. That's my downfall. There were several times that the leftovers had one or two small items that I just had to have so I ended up with about 16 boxes of stuff. I did buy Magie some quart jars and yarn. Her girls got some jewelry boxes. Since Magie was planning to come to town and buy feed later I called and asked if she could come save me and help haul the boxes home. 16 boxes of stuff (we combined some of the boxes to get everything home), three bird cages (we took chickens and a drake to sell, not such a good day to sell) a bicycle, chickens and chicks, four adults, five children and one baby into two vehicles. And 8 bags of 50 pound feed.
Get everything home and unloaded.
And it starts to rain. And rain. I had to go outside and shoo the new chickens into the hen house. The rain was coming down so hard it hurt.
Tuesday afternoon I start volunteering at the school again. That's for Tuesday and Thursdays. Wednesday Melissa has doctor appointment. Friday is pantry day. This weekend we are working on fencing, unless it is really hot. I don't like hot. Don't like humid either. And would the flies just go away.

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