Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Traveling and goat news

One of the cinemas in C/S has 75 cent movies on Tuesdays so off we went. Magie and Glen took their three girls and my two boys. Melissa and I took James to lunch and then to the dollar store. Did you know that you can buy the same brand name bologna and hot dogs at the dollar store as you do at a big grocery store.
Sadly, I forgot the school supply list.
The boys saw "How to train your dragon." They said it was good.
Tomorrow I'm taking Melissa to her OB/GYN. We will be starting the once a week checkups now. What's a little weird is it's the same doctor that delivered Andy (at least the same clinic since Andy was an emergency c-section on a Sunday and Dr. Lasley wasn't on-call, so Dr. Richards delivered Andy)
I'm thinking on Thursday we may go to Manitou, take James to see his dad and my boys can play at the arcade. Friday is pantry day and Saturday we take Jester to the Fowler auction.
Lily, the evil goat, is actually gone. She left last week. Heartlee went to the farm of our school cook (as a pet not food), Joker (one of Lily's kids) was sold yesterday and Baby went back to Magie's. Simon has returned home. There just really isn't enough does around that he's not related to that we can truly justify not wethering him. So that deed is done. So now we have our herd. Jet and Luna (Sage's daughters of three years ago. Jem who is Jet's daughter this year. Larry (wether) and Lorilei who are Luna's kids of this year. We also have Sasha and Simon who are Sage's kids of this year. We finally did put Sage down. Magie found a lump on Sage's backbone where it was growing over a break. Which is why I won't have horned goats here ever again.
Melissa is making sausage, cheese and egg biscuit sandwiches tonight for supper. Peter has a HOA meeting tonight and he has to vote. Did you vote?

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