Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A New Year

School started on Tuesday. Andy, who is a third grader, seems to like it. He hasn't complained about homework yet and he's had some both nights. Alex, on the other hand doesn't like the first grade at all. He keeps wanting to be sick. Our school combines Kindergarten and 1st grade, which we did last year. There are 12 in Andy's class and 17 in Andy's class. Our largest class is the combo of 4th and 5th for 19 students.
Had our first board meeting tonight. It went well, not a lot of arguing.
I'm going to start volunteering next week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the school. Just in the afternoon. But if Melissa decides to have the baby I'm out of there.
Speaking of Melissa, she had a OB appointment today. She's dialated to 1 cm. So we are on baby watch.

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