Monday, January 24, 2011

Duck, Duck, Duck Goose

It being a Monday, I just had to go to the auction today. Never mind that it was cold and windy. Not many people there which would explain why I bought some birds fairly cheap. I took 3 hens and one rooster and one duck. I have mom and dad duck still and so not wanting to make baby ducks with the parents because "ewwww". Too many years working in CPS I guess.
So what do I bring home, 16 ducks. So in addition to the two muscovy and the other two ducks I already had, there are now three Pekins, at least 3 rouens and the rest look to be cross-breeds. My SIL Nina and one the the ladies at church are wanting duck eggs. And maybe selling some baby ducks this spring.
Someone stuffed 10 full grown geese into a cage about 3 feet by 3 feet. I wasn't sure if they would all make it by the time I got them (all of them) home. So now we have 1 African female goose (had her) 6 Embdens and 4 Toulouse geese. They are good for weed control. Princess, our little chihuahua puppy, was out herding the gaggle of geese.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Never one to be satisfied with the way things are, I made some changes. I rearranged the living room, except for moving the piano, just to heavy. Put some of my old comic books on craigslist to sell, hopefully.
And in case you didn't notice I made some changes on the blog. The header picture is of Ariel and her baby of 2009, Belle. For those who don't know or don't remember all of our llamas are named after Disney characters. Starting with Kusco (the dad) who went to a new home, Ariel, baby number one was Lilo who died from rattler bite. Followed by Jasmine and then Belle. Belle was actually born on the same day that Lilo died and they look almost identical. Now Ariel has 2010 baby Jafar but since my digital camera lens isn't cooperating I can't download the pictures of him.
One other change to the blog I added a new blog to follow.
If you look real close at the picture of Ariel, right under the Green Gates heading are some black spots. Those are cows on the open range. West of us is about a gazillion acres of BLM land with a cattle lease.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Warmth

I have a collection of afghan and quilts that keeps on growing. My grandma W. used to knit. We have a green afghan that she knitted years ago. Alex likes to sleep with it sometimes. There is a brown, orange and white afghan that my other grandmother L. crocheted. I have baby afghans for each of the boys that Grandmas W. and S. knitted and crocheted. Both boys were baptized wrapped in the afghans that Grandma W. knitted them.

Then there is the collection of granny square afghans that my MIL and her sister made together. One for each of the boys someday.

Granny Bonnie, who is bff Magie's mom, made a quilt as a door prize for a Mother's Day drawing at church. I won it. Pastor Randy thought it appropriate that I win it. So did I. It's on the guest room bed. With matching pillow shams.

Two years ago Granny Bonnie made me a poinsettia quilt. This is the one we sleep with. Magie is the one who tied all the strings. I'm sure there's a technical term for the strings but I don't know it. Our house isn't the warmest in the winter when the north wind blows but that quilt does an excellent job of keeping one warm. Or maybe it's the three little dogs who just have to sleep with us. Usually the chihuahuas are under the blanket. Eliza sleeps on top of the quilt. Under her own blanket.

And finally, there are the little quilts that Granny Bonnie made for Alex when he was in preschool for naptime. I've been using those for James and Derek when they come out.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby it's cold outside

I would venture a guess and say that winter has arrived in Colorado. It was negative 8 degrees Fahrenheit at 7 am today. The boys had on coats, gloves, hats and new snow boots. I wore my leather running shoes to the bus stop and my toes were cold when I got home 15 minutes later.
I keep switching the heater from the goat water to the horse water, and back again. It seems to be working. The chickens have a heat lamp and they still cuddle together. The barn cats have burrowed into the hay.
It's supposed to warm up starting tomorrow and be in the 50s by Thursday. Tomorrow I work at the school but we have early release anyway.
Alex won the elementary trivia question so he got to choose breakfast. They are having waffles and cold cereal. Remember, this is Alex's favorite food of any meal.
Andy and Alex both liked the burritos I made tonight tho.
We are looking for a home for the male chihuahua, Chico. If anyone would like one and lives close to Colorado Springs, let me know. He's a very nice dog but he won't leave Eliza alone and she's too old.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Resolutions by Default

It being only the 5th of the new year, I'm only a few days late for resolutions. Besides, I had to think of something worth trying.

Besides the obvious ones of eating healthier (blew that today by buying a 12 pack of soda) and exercising more (haven't tried the Wii exercise program; maybe next week.) Well, I've been busy. Monday there was no school so boys were home, Tuesday the boys went back to school (happy dance time) and I really don't know what I did that day except clean the living room. Wednesday I was in town. Tomorrow I go get hay and then volunteer at the school, pick up poultry from a friend going out of the poultry business. Friday I go back to town first thing in the am and then to the church for pantry and and some point I need to pick up firewood because Sunday and Monday it's supposed to snow. So, see, I don't have time this week to exercise.

Cleaning the living room on Tuesday is the result of moving the Wii to the family room, smaller tv but not my problem, and banning certain young men from the living room unless they are sitting on the couch watch the big tv. No food or drink allowed. Period. End of discussion. I've gotten tired of having to frantically clean the living room when someone is going to come over. The family room I can just shut the door and ignore the mess.

So one of the resolutions is to keep the living room clean.

Does finishing the horse barn by the end of February count as a resolution. Let's pretend it does. So that makes two specific resolutions.

Making it a threefer, learning a craft comes to mind. I'm currently working on a project for my dad's birthday at the end of the month. Not saying any more about this so he'll be surprised. Let's just say his present this year will be homemade.
By me with a large assist from bff Magie.

Going to make Peter one for Valentine's day. So that's my resolutions, such as they are.