Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Warmth

I have a collection of afghan and quilts that keeps on growing. My grandma W. used to knit. We have a green afghan that she knitted years ago. Alex likes to sleep with it sometimes. There is a brown, orange and white afghan that my other grandmother L. crocheted. I have baby afghans for each of the boys that Grandmas W. and S. knitted and crocheted. Both boys were baptized wrapped in the afghans that Grandma W. knitted them.

Then there is the collection of granny square afghans that my MIL and her sister made together. One for each of the boys someday.

Granny Bonnie, who is bff Magie's mom, made a quilt as a door prize for a Mother's Day drawing at church. I won it. Pastor Randy thought it appropriate that I win it. So did I. It's on the guest room bed. With matching pillow shams.

Two years ago Granny Bonnie made me a poinsettia quilt. This is the one we sleep with. Magie is the one who tied all the strings. I'm sure there's a technical term for the strings but I don't know it. Our house isn't the warmest in the winter when the north wind blows but that quilt does an excellent job of keeping one warm. Or maybe it's the three little dogs who just have to sleep with us. Usually the chihuahuas are under the blanket. Eliza sleeps on top of the quilt. Under her own blanket.

And finally, there are the little quilts that Granny Bonnie made for Alex when he was in preschool for naptime. I've been using those for James and Derek when they come out.

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