Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby it's cold outside

I would venture a guess and say that winter has arrived in Colorado. It was negative 8 degrees Fahrenheit at 7 am today. The boys had on coats, gloves, hats and new snow boots. I wore my leather running shoes to the bus stop and my toes were cold when I got home 15 minutes later.
I keep switching the heater from the goat water to the horse water, and back again. It seems to be working. The chickens have a heat lamp and they still cuddle together. The barn cats have burrowed into the hay.
It's supposed to warm up starting tomorrow and be in the 50s by Thursday. Tomorrow I work at the school but we have early release anyway.
Alex won the elementary trivia question so he got to choose breakfast. They are having waffles and cold cereal. Remember, this is Alex's favorite food of any meal.
Andy and Alex both liked the burritos I made tonight tho.
We are looking for a home for the male chihuahua, Chico. If anyone would like one and lives close to Colorado Springs, let me know. He's a very nice dog but he won't leave Eliza alone and she's too old.

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