Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary...Not

Yesterday was the wedding anniversary, not really a great one. Peter and I had lunch at On the Border. Then last night I had a conference for the school board with BOCES. Got home and I did find a new dress for prom on Saturday night.
Broke down and had my hair colored professionally for a change with a cut. So I should look presentable for Saturday night.
Of course it is supposed to be cold and wet tomorrow night. We can really use the moisture but I'm seriously thinking sweatpants and sweater for the dinner. The grass in our pasture is about 1/2 inch tall right now. It needs to get in gear and grow. I went to the farm supply store to buy some grass bales for the horses. Came home with 10 chicks. They were only a dollar apiece for straight run.
We are having pot stickers for supper tonight.
I didn't get up to watch the royal wedding. I watched when Diana and Charles got married. I was in Arkansas with my great-aunt visiting my great-grandpa Petrey.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Clean Up

Every year our Senior class at our little country school raises money to go on a Senior Trip and for a Senior Gift. Last year the Seniors went on an Alaskan cruise, stopping in Canadian ports along the way. The kids start earning the money as freshman. The freshman class this year has decided to earn their money by collecting and selling scrap metal. They have been to a number of homes collecting old wire fencing, t-posts, and other metals. They came to our place this last weekend and they worked hard gathering a trailer full of metal things that we don't want or don't need. It looks a little different here without the old lawn tractor, rolls of fencing and so on.
(Now if I can find someone to haul off the junked plywood. It makes good kindling for fires.) BTW, the school itself does not contribute financially to the senior trips, the money is all raised by the students. Once I put up the new pasture fence, I'll have another load of wire for the kids.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Reason for Easter

The Easter bunny is on a recycling crusade. He asked that parents leave out the plastic eggs from the Easter party on Friday and he would fill them and hide them. Basically Wal-mart was way to busy on Saturday and the dollar store was out of them.
The boys were up at 6 am, why do they get up early on days when they could sleep in (and me) but can't get up for school?
We are on our way to my parents for Easter dinner.
While you are eating your jelly beans and chocolate covered marshmellows, please remember the true reason for Easter. Remember the One who died on the cross and rose from the dead on this day.
Happy Easter from Green Gates Farm

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday to do list

1. Put boys on bus, forget to send Easter baskets for the egg hunt at school.
2. Feed the animals, spill half the bag of hen scratch on the ground. I guess it's called scratch for a reason.
3. Take Eliza to get hair cut.
4. Pick up strawberries and angel food cake for Sunday dinner at parents.
5. Finally remember to pick up 2 inch screws for built-in bookcase. Bypass the baby chicks.
6. Arrive to work at pantry, forget lunch, have Pepsi tho, so all is not lost.
7. Pick up meat order at Woolsey's grocery store.
8. Pick up Eliza, forget to tell them to not put bow in hair as she doesn't leave it in.
9. Pick up mail, received property tax notice. Why is it always the same time as income tax?
10. Unload car.
11. Write in blog, wonder if ....
12. Pick up boys
13. Making tilapia for dinner with broccoli and cauliflower with rice. Paula Deen cake for dessert.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's been a Week

So what has everyone been doing this week? Monday we stayed home, we don't have school on Mondays normally. Tuesday I picked up Melissa after she had a tooth pulled and we went to lunch. She didn't eat much. Tuesday afternoon I was home. Actually those two days I spent going through kitchen cabinets and the laundry room sorting out things to take to the auction tomorrow. Wednesday we went to the Co-op thinking it was chick days but it's actually May 13 for chick days. Then Wednesday afternoon I worked at the school. Spent most of the afternoon tracing circles and cutting them out. This is for the Kindergarten/first grade end of the year caterpillars. Thursday afternoon back to the school and finished the circles. I need to find something that can cut out the circles a lot easier than a pair of scissors. 150 circles makes your hand tired. Friday did some more sorting for the auction. Saturday I spent most of it out in the chicken coop, part of the time just sitting and watching the chickens scratching and the ducks and geese splashing in their pond. There is something relaxing about watching a chicken scratching in the dirt. But maybe I'm just easily entertained. I did run to the feed store to pick up the month's feed order. Saturday night we went to MIL's for early Easter dinner. We went to see the house SIL bought to fix up and sell, that's what they do. Took the 1950's Impala station wagon over to the house, pretty awesome ride. It's a very nice house, nice quiet neighborhood. I wouldn't mind having a house like it. Getting kind of tired of the country life right now. Maybe it is just the lack of rain we've been experiencing. We had a few drops the other evening but that was all. My parents up in NE Colorado had snow. Sunday we went to the new church, quite enjoying it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Different Church

Today, Peter, the two boys and I attended a different church. Kendrick Bible Church is also a country church. Many of the boys' friends attend this church. They also have AWANAS which is a program which I really like. Melissa attended AWANAS when we lived in Burlington. So we will go to Kendrick for awhile and see what happens. You can check out the church at

Today is my mom's birthday. I'll take her present down when we go east for Easter. So if you know her, call and tell her happy birthday.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can the wind just quit???

It's Saturday, plenty of things to do outside but the wind is just too much. I really need to work on fencing but I'm allergic to wind. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
I spent a couple of hours working at the food pantry yesterday and today. Wednesday and Thursday were spent at the school. This coming Monday is auction and Tuesday I take Melissa to get a tooth pulled. I'll be staying in the car, I don't deal well with dental offices and she's almost 21 so she can just suffer alone.
I would really like to move, tired of the wind, sand, lack of trees, non-maintained private roads, cows, rattlesnakes (they are out already). But I guess I can wait until my favorite place out here is for sale.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New blog to follow

I've added Rose colored Glasses to my blog list, It's written by a friend of mine, Yvonne. She works at our school and her first story is a hoot.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chickens and Snow

The calendar says April. Which should mean showers so we have May flowers. However, we are having snow. And wind. I went out to feed the animals and the chickens and waterfowl were running around out in the pen. The horses were the smart ones, they were staying in the barn.
So for supper tonight we had Jamaican Jerk chicken, couscous with pine nuts (don't be impressed, it was a mix) and steam in the bag brussel sprouts. Andy likes the sprouts. I made the chicken (store bought, I can't eat one of my birds) by pounding boneless,skinless chicken with grandma's meat tenderizing hammer and then sprinkling the chicken with jerk seasoning and fry/steaming it with a little bit of olive oil. For dessert we had Klondike bars.
I wanted to get a picture of the snow but the battery died in the camera and Alex took the last AA batteries for the Wii.