Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's been a Week

So what has everyone been doing this week? Monday we stayed home, we don't have school on Mondays normally. Tuesday I picked up Melissa after she had a tooth pulled and we went to lunch. She didn't eat much. Tuesday afternoon I was home. Actually those two days I spent going through kitchen cabinets and the laundry room sorting out things to take to the auction tomorrow. Wednesday we went to the Co-op thinking it was chick days but it's actually May 13 for chick days. Then Wednesday afternoon I worked at the school. Spent most of the afternoon tracing circles and cutting them out. This is for the Kindergarten/first grade end of the year caterpillars. Thursday afternoon back to the school and finished the circles. I need to find something that can cut out the circles a lot easier than a pair of scissors. 150 circles makes your hand tired. Friday did some more sorting for the auction. Saturday I spent most of it out in the chicken coop, part of the time just sitting and watching the chickens scratching and the ducks and geese splashing in their pond. There is something relaxing about watching a chicken scratching in the dirt. But maybe I'm just easily entertained. I did run to the feed store to pick up the month's feed order. Saturday night we went to MIL's for early Easter dinner. We went to see the house SIL bought to fix up and sell, that's what they do. Took the 1950's Impala station wagon over to the house, pretty awesome ride. It's a very nice house, nice quiet neighborhood. I wouldn't mind having a house like it. Getting kind of tired of the country life right now. Maybe it is just the lack of rain we've been experiencing. We had a few drops the other evening but that was all. My parents up in NE Colorado had snow. Sunday we went to the new church, quite enjoying it.

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