Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday to do list

1. Put boys on bus, forget to send Easter baskets for the egg hunt at school.
2. Feed the animals, spill half the bag of hen scratch on the ground. I guess it's called scratch for a reason.
3. Take Eliza to get hair cut.
4. Pick up strawberries and angel food cake for Sunday dinner at parents.
5. Finally remember to pick up 2 inch screws for built-in bookcase. Bypass the baby chicks.
6. Arrive to work at pantry, forget lunch, have Pepsi tho, so all is not lost.
7. Pick up meat order at Woolsey's grocery store.
8. Pick up Eliza, forget to tell them to not put bow in hair as she doesn't leave it in.
9. Pick up mail, received property tax notice. Why is it always the same time as income tax?
10. Unload car.
11. Write in blog, wonder if ....
12. Pick up boys
13. Making tilapia for dinner with broccoli and cauliflower with rice. Paula Deen cake for dessert.

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