Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary...Not

Yesterday was the wedding anniversary, not really a great one. Peter and I had lunch at On the Border. Then last night I had a conference for the school board with BOCES. Got home and I did find a new dress for prom on Saturday night.
Broke down and had my hair colored professionally for a change with a cut. So I should look presentable for Saturday night.
Of course it is supposed to be cold and wet tomorrow night. We can really use the moisture but I'm seriously thinking sweatpants and sweater for the dinner. The grass in our pasture is about 1/2 inch tall right now. It needs to get in gear and grow. I went to the farm supply store to buy some grass bales for the horses. Came home with 10 chicks. They were only a dollar apiece for straight run.
We are having pot stickers for supper tonight.
I didn't get up to watch the royal wedding. I watched when Diana and Charles got married. I was in Arkansas with my great-aunt visiting my great-grandpa Petrey.

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