Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Mother's Love

We have a goose named Giselle, we also have Garnet, Mrs. G, and Grizzelda (all G names cause they are Gray Geese. Get it? We also have a pair of Embdens named Romeo and Juliet.
Anyway Giselle sat on her nest for several weeks and sadly, none of her eggs hatched. When I brought home some ducklings and put them in the next room in the brooder house, Giselle climbed or flew over the three foot divider and was determined that these ducklings were her babies. Very determined. I'm not brave enough to try to seperate them again. And the babies think that she is their mother.
Mrs. G also raised a duck who has followed Mrs. G until Mrs. G decided to sit on a nest. And Lucky Duck (muscovey hen) is now sitting on a nest of three eggs. I'll be surprised if the eggs are fertile since Mr. D has spent his time mooning over Juliet the goose sitting on her nest.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

The earth didn't expire a week ago so everyone was out in droves to celebrate Memorial Day. It seems that people are losing the original idea of Memorial Day. Instead of honoring the fallen soldiers, it has become the official start of summer and everyone, and I do mean everyone, has to get out and drive. They were talking on the radio this morning about the beginning of the driving season and how it might be curtailed because of the high cost of gas.
Looking at the traffic on highway 24 today, it doesn't look like driving is being curtailed much.
This weekend was also Territory Days in Old Colorado City. Melissa took her boys on Sunday and she said it was jam packed. We had thought about going but now I'm glad we didn't.
Peter stayed home with Andy and Alex today while I took Melissa to lunch and to buy her belated birthday present. She's reached the age where it is easier to let her pick out what she wants. She Had Talked About getting some CDs of music she likes but when we got to the store (20% off this weekend) she picked out horror movie DVDs instead. I don't know where she gets this, not from me.
I also picked up season five of "McGyver", the boys, especially Andy, really like this show. Melissa suggested a few shows that, ummm, no, not happening.
There's a news report out that has doctors saying that you shouldn't give energy drinks to children. Like prudent people didn't know that energy drinks give children even more energy and as if they didn't have enough already.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

End of the School year

Last Thursday we had a fun day at school. The kids had field day in the morning and the afternoon was for Elementary awards. My boys did quite well.

Alex, a first grader in the second grade received awards for attendance, good listening, reading, penmanship, spelling, good citizenship in the 2nd grade, and good citizenship in the school. The last award comes with a $2 bill.

Andy, a third grader, received the good citizenship in the school, good attendance, science, geography and history.

Alex also received special recognition for being a student of the quarter (1st quarter) in addition to being a student of the week in the local country newspaper.

I also received a gift for volunteering at the school. I don't know if I'll be volunteering next year, thinking I might go back to work in the fall.

School was out for the summer on Friday, after a community barbeque with our superintendent cooking the meat, the Oklahoma way (his homestate).

Monday, May 23, 2011

21 years old...and I'm feeling older

Friday, the daughter turned 21. Needless to say it makes me feel old, especially since she has two little boys of her own already. She had her first legal bloody mary for her birthday. She was talking about getting a tattoo but she's phobic about needles anyway. When we got her ears pierced at age 7, she thought she was done after just one ear. When she was in junior high a "friend" pierced her ear with a second hole, and yes it got infected. Melissa pitches a fit about having blood drawn, or she passes out. So the idea of her getting a tattoo would be kind of funny.
So for her birthday, tomorrow I'll take just her for lunch and then shopping for some music CDs she wants and she really, really needs new tennis shoes.

Just to give a heads up for family reading this, my parents wedding anniversary is on Wednesday.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Moths...phone lines and rain

The moths (or millers) have invaded. They aren't as bad as some years but bad enough. This morning I counted 21 just in the bathroom.
The phone lines aren't working so well today. I don't know if it is the RAIN or the cows messing with the boxes again.
That's right I said Rain.
It started raining yesterday about 3:45 (about time for the end of school) and it pretty much rained for hours. We are supposed to get more this afternoon and the sky over the mountains looks rainy. As much as I gripe about needing rain for the pasture, I really wish it wouldn't rain on the dirt roads.
And I picked up 5 Austrolorp pullet chicks and 5 Sicilian Buttercup straight run chicks yesterday morning.
And tomorrow I'm going to town to buy a new washer. The motor gave out on ours the other day. I think it is the hard water which wears out the machines so fast.
Hopefully tomorrow I can get some pictures of the irises which have started to bloom.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Wrap up

This year's Mother's Day began on Friday with the school's Parent's Day Tea (that's a lot of apostrophes) The program was called "We Haz Jazz". Andy, as a third grader, had his first speaking role. He was Lester Young. Alex, 2nd grader, was part of the chorus. The program was followed by an art show and refreshments.
Saturday we went to HD and I picked out the bulbs I wanted. Now to find someone to plant all 50 of them. We ended the day with supper at MIL.
Sunday, Peter cooked pancakes for breakfast. He also cooked a brisket on the grill for supper.
We also took some things to the auction (for Monday) and stopped for ice cream and some time at the playground.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Prom 2011

Instead of the average Midnight Fantasy or some such theme, our junior class went with an Oriental theme. Our art teacher did much of the artwork of Chinese words. There were paper plates, napkins and cups with Chinese words. Lots of white Christmas lights. The old gym looks so different when it's dressed up for Prom. The kids had the gym for 10 days to decorate and so the elementary had PE outside.
When we arrived there were pitchers of water on the table. Upon closer examination there were little goldfish swimming around in the pitchers. During Hell Night at sorority initiation, we had to swallow a live goldfish. Not really an experience I care to repeat.
After our meal of beef and broccoli, sushi (my fave of the night), noodles, egg roll and some type of chicken there was cake.
The senior class (of five students) uses this moment in time to deliver their "wills".
There was a number of athletic pass-ons, some clothing and perfume gifts. One student used his time to thank his grandparents for raising him. I thought that one was really sweet.
Peter and I left before the dancing started. The dance is really for the kids anyway. The dinner is by invite only. My date and I went as I'm currently on the school board.
This was probably my favorite prom, even over my own high school experiences.