Monday, May 23, 2011

21 years old...and I'm feeling older

Friday, the daughter turned 21. Needless to say it makes me feel old, especially since she has two little boys of her own already. She had her first legal bloody mary for her birthday. She was talking about getting a tattoo but she's phobic about needles anyway. When we got her ears pierced at age 7, she thought she was done after just one ear. When she was in junior high a "friend" pierced her ear with a second hole, and yes it got infected. Melissa pitches a fit about having blood drawn, or she passes out. So the idea of her getting a tattoo would be kind of funny.
So for her birthday, tomorrow I'll take just her for lunch and then shopping for some music CDs she wants and she really, really needs new tennis shoes.

Just to give a heads up for family reading this, my parents wedding anniversary is on Wednesday.

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