Thursday, May 19, 2011 lines and rain

The moths (or millers) have invaded. They aren't as bad as some years but bad enough. This morning I counted 21 just in the bathroom.
The phone lines aren't working so well today. I don't know if it is the RAIN or the cows messing with the boxes again.
That's right I said Rain.
It started raining yesterday about 3:45 (about time for the end of school) and it pretty much rained for hours. We are supposed to get more this afternoon and the sky over the mountains looks rainy. As much as I gripe about needing rain for the pasture, I really wish it wouldn't rain on the dirt roads.
And I picked up 5 Austrolorp pullet chicks and 5 Sicilian Buttercup straight run chicks yesterday morning.
And tomorrow I'm going to town to buy a new washer. The motor gave out on ours the other day. I think it is the hard water which wears out the machines so fast.
Hopefully tomorrow I can get some pictures of the irises which have started to bloom.

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