Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Mother's Love

We have a goose named Giselle, we also have Garnet, Mrs. G, and Grizzelda (all G names cause they are Gray Geese. Get it? We also have a pair of Embdens named Romeo and Juliet.
Anyway Giselle sat on her nest for several weeks and sadly, none of her eggs hatched. When I brought home some ducklings and put them in the next room in the brooder house, Giselle climbed or flew over the three foot divider and was determined that these ducklings were her babies. Very determined. I'm not brave enough to try to seperate them again. And the babies think that she is their mother.
Mrs. G also raised a duck who has followed Mrs. G until Mrs. G decided to sit on a nest. And Lucky Duck (muscovey hen) is now sitting on a nest of three eggs. I'll be surprised if the eggs are fertile since Mr. D has spent his time mooning over Juliet the goose sitting on her nest.

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