Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

The earth didn't expire a week ago so everyone was out in droves to celebrate Memorial Day. It seems that people are losing the original idea of Memorial Day. Instead of honoring the fallen soldiers, it has become the official start of summer and everyone, and I do mean everyone, has to get out and drive. They were talking on the radio this morning about the beginning of the driving season and how it might be curtailed because of the high cost of gas.
Looking at the traffic on highway 24 today, it doesn't look like driving is being curtailed much.
This weekend was also Territory Days in Old Colorado City. Melissa took her boys on Sunday and she said it was jam packed. We had thought about going but now I'm glad we didn't.
Peter stayed home with Andy and Alex today while I took Melissa to lunch and to buy her belated birthday present. She's reached the age where it is easier to let her pick out what she wants. She Had Talked About getting some CDs of music she likes but when we got to the store (20% off this weekend) she picked out horror movie DVDs instead. I don't know where she gets this, not from me.
I also picked up season five of "McGyver", the boys, especially Andy, really like this show. Melissa suggested a few shows that, ummm, no, not happening.
There's a news report out that has doctors saying that you shouldn't give energy drinks to children. Like prudent people didn't know that energy drinks give children even more energy and as if they didn't have enough already.

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