Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Wrap up

This year's Mother's Day began on Friday with the school's Parent's Day Tea (that's a lot of apostrophes) The program was called "We Haz Jazz". Andy, as a third grader, had his first speaking role. He was Lester Young. Alex, 2nd grader, was part of the chorus. The program was followed by an art show and refreshments.
Saturday we went to HD and I picked out the bulbs I wanted. Now to find someone to plant all 50 of them. We ended the day with supper at MIL.
Sunday, Peter cooked pancakes for breakfast. He also cooked a brisket on the grill for supper.
We also took some things to the auction (for Monday) and stopped for ice cream and some time at the playground.

1 comment:

  1. The boys did awesome. Glad you had a good mother's day.
