Thursday, February 3, 2011

And Spring will be here when...

So the groundhog saw his shadow and we will not have 6 more weeks of winter. I would like the exact day Spring will be here. Granted, we haven't had the snow like a large portion of the country, but the last few days of sub-zero freezing has been enough. The birds are tired of the cold, the horses are tired of it and I'm tired of it. I have friends who have no water because their well froze. Other friends have frozen pipes. We were very lucky this time. We keep the water dripping in both the kitchen and bathroom. And Peter installed a pipe heating tape when we moved in. The one time that the tape fizzled out, our pipes froze. Didn't break that time. There was one time when the tape wasn't plugged in and the pipes froze and burst. He had so much fun crawling in the crawl space in the muck and water fixing it.
Even with a two hour delay, the boys are back in school. I'll be heading that way in a little bit for an afternoon of volunteering.

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