Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No school today

At 7:30 am it is negative 10 degrees and that's without the wind chill. They are saying that it is very easy to get frost bite right now very quickly. So we are not having school today. It's nice being on the school board, the superintendent calls the board members personally. There's no need to watch the announcements scrolling on the bottom of the tv or wait for the radio to announce the closure.
In some places in Europe the house and barn are attached or the people live above the barn. Right now, I'm wishing that were the case here. It's going to be a long walk to the barn and chicken coop. It's supposed to be even colder tonight. Libby and Lucy have dog igloos stuffed with hay but tonight they are coming into the laundry room. That should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. It WAS cold today, wasn't it. Brrrrrrr.

    I'm wondering if we'll have school tomorrow. I think a delay for sure, but our district postponed the high school registration tomorrow night and that makes me think that they're considering not having classes tomorrow. I've learned not to assume with our superintendent (or acting superintendent). When I think "there's no way we're having school, we DO" and when I think "no way we'll get a snow day" we do. I'm not good at figuring out their angle. ;)
