Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My friend Magie

The new picture at the top was taken by Magie about a year ago. The highest peak you see is Pike's Peak.
Now that the situation has been resolved I can let you know what has been going on.
On December 22, 2010 Magie and her three daughters took some Christmas presents to a family that they have been friendly with for FIVE Years. There had been a disagreement between this mother and the school over a religious presentation at the school, basically the school said the mother could not give a religious presentation at the school. Magie was trying to explain this rationally to the mother and make things "right" between the school and this particular parent. So when Magie takes the gifts to the family the mother hits Magie in the face breaking Magie's nose and glasses. Because Magie wanted to know why the mother was acting so irrationally, Magie went into the house. Magie left soon after and went to a friend's house who called the paramedics because of Magie's injuries. The assaulting mom called the Sheriff's department, wanting Magie arrested. Supposedly this mom was also under the influence of "medical marijuana" but let's not get into That Issue.
So Magie was arrested and spent several hours in jail. What does my best friend do while in jail? She is singing Christmas carols to the other inmates. Magie does have a wonderful voice, she's one of our church's soloists.
Magie gets released on bond. My seven year old money hungry son, Alex, offers all of his money to get his Aunt Magie out of jail. It wasn't necessary but it does go to show the level of caring that people out here have for Magie.
So after several court appearances, making a long and suffering story short, today Magie accepted a deal which lowered her "crime" from a class 5 felony to a petty offense. Instead of facing 1-3 years in prison, Magie received 18 months unsupervised probation and has to complete a mental health exam. Around the issue of why she's such a nice person and takes presents to someone who doesn't want them. A large number of people wrote letters of recommendation for Magie. I did. But then she's my bestest friend and will be taking care of Andy and Alex if for some reason Peter and I cannot. Unless the mental health exam says that Magie is a deranged lunatic, then I might have to rethink the care plans.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being so supportive through all this. What Stephane failed to tell ya'll is that she has driven me to all but one of the court appearences because I after being attacked I couldn't see to drive or wear glasses for over a month. She really is my best friend and I will always be hers... And yes I am delusional by today's worl view because I believe that Jesus is my salvation and my reward is in heaven.
