Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Snow Day

The superintendent called board members at 5:45 to see if we should close school. Knowing the temp was like one degree and I could hear the north wind battering the house, I readily agreed. So did the other members. No school.
So I spent the day making brownies and revising a Paula Deen casserole, since I didn't have all the ingredients. If it turns out alright I'll post it.
No chicken eggs today but I did find one duck egg. Frozen.
I have been feeding the horses extra rations of hay lately. In addition to their grain ration. This keeps up, they will need a diet in the spring. But they need the hay to generate body heat.
The chihuahuas left yesterday for their new homes. Soon Virginia will have her new house and can take Libby and maybe Lucy, they've been together so long. Which would leave us with three dogs. Danny is on his last days. So that leaves Eliza and Mischka. And...um...a new golden retriever puppy. There was one advertised on Craig's list but I couldn't get a response.

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