Monday, February 21, 2011


So I have added another blog to my list. Coffee Tea Books and Me. I think my mom will like this one. She reads my blog but never comments. She should start a blog. Mom was a first grade teacher for (many) years. She retired a couple of years ago. Maybe because she was starting to teach the children of some of her earlier students. Incidentally, my mom was my Kindergarten teacher when my regular teacher was out on maternity leave.
One of the teachers that I had that I will never forget was Miss Cooke. She was my fourth grade teacher when we lived on the Army base in West Germany. She had previously been a teacher in Bermuda. My grandmother had gotten me interested in collecting stamps and Miss Cooke gave me some from Bermuda. I remember she used to read aloud to the class every day. One story we read, that I still love to this day was "Harriet the Spy." I think it was Miss Cooke who got me hooked on reading.
One of my other favorite teachers was Mrs Sorenson, fifth grade at Park Middle School in McPherson, Kansas. She took me as her guest to a mother-daughter banquet once.
In high school my favorite teacher had to be Jackie Engle, journalism teacher extraordinaire. It was her teaching that enabled me to later be the managing editor of the college newspaper and a professional newspaper reporter.
At Bethany College, Lindsborg Kansas, far and above would be Dr. Joyce Pigge. She was my political science prof and for awhile my advisor. But then I decided to be a probation officer and switched majors. Never did probation but I did spend a lifetime in social work.
So now my boys are in elementary school. Doing quite well. I'm wondering who will be their favorite teachers. In a small school, they will have the same teacher for each grade.

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