Monday, February 7, 2011

Fire starters Version 2

Last winter I posted about making fire starters. For starting fires in your fireplace. For a reminder- Melt old candles over simmering water. Use a metal bowl you don't really need anymore for the candles. Put dryer lint into each egg cavity in a cardboard egg carton (Styrofoam doesn't work well). The new version involves putting a teaspoon of old dried coffee into each cavity. Pour the melted candle wax over the lint and coffee. Let the wax solidify. Tear apart the egg carton. I usually use two cavities for each attempt at starting a fire. You can also add herbs and spices to add fragrance. Thanks to my mom for providing candles and dryer lint (our lint is too sandy, but what do you expect when we live in Desert). And thanks to Cheryl for suggesting the coffee addition. Cheryl makes her fire starters with coffee and shredded paper instead of lint. She's been shredding the really old papers at the school that we don't need any longer.

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