Thursday, February 17, 2011

Parent teacher conferences

I don't worry about P/T conferences. Andy and Alex are both doing so well, makes me so happy I could just cry. And yes I take credit for their intelligence, after all, they are my babies. So their father's genetics had a little bit to do with it, but mostly it's mine.
Andy's in the third grade and is doing, according to the tests, the school work of a fifth grader. But I'm not going to move him up. I really don't want him in the upper grades with some of those students. The only suggestion his teacher had was to get Andy to read more fiction. He reads a lot of non-fiction.
Alex is a first grader in a second grade classroom. But he has the academic skills of a third grader. This one, no concerns. Doing well. Makes a mom proud.
On a really sad note, bff Magie's Min-pin, Penny, died today. Magie found her several years ago, half-starved, along the road. Penny was very protective of "her" family and loved the baby kittens, goats, whatever needed mothering, Penny was right there. She will be missed.

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