Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Come on Saturday

So this Saturday, if all goes well, this little lady will be coming home with us


We've (meaning me) have decided to name her Ruby, after Barbara Stanwyck's real name, Ruby Stevens. We used to have a Keeshond named Katie after Katherine Hepburn.
Ruby has been at the shelter for two days, way to long for a little dog to stay there without her people coming to get her. There are a number of dogs needing homes. Older dogs who need a last home, a few younger dogs who can spend a long time with you. A large number of pit bulls. Labrador Retrievers are in abundance. My dad had one, Duke, when I was a kid. He was named after John Wayne. I can never volunteer at the Humane Society. I'd be bringing so many animals home. There is also a red slider turtle for adoption. And a black and white rabbit.
I think that Ruby will make a nice younger sister for Eliza (see picture of Eliza to the right).
And I bought a new camera today so hopefully I'll be able to add pictures to the blog now.

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